The Blanket Dance Workshop


Where core work meets floor work!

Pilates exercises and stripper floor work have a lot in common. They both require a lot of core strength, can help you develop the long, lean lines of a dancer and leave you feeling sexy and strong.

This workshop blends the fluid, sensual movements of exotic dance floor work with the powerful toning elements of Pilates mat exercises and wraps them (and you) up in a cozy blanket for a seductive dance routine and insane core workout. The blanket adds resistance and smoothness for your floor work as well as a provides a playful prop to tease with!

You will need comfy, tight-fitting clothes and a soft, fluffy blanket that you don't mind putting on the floor and rolling around in.

Blankets/sheets need to be standard bed size.

A fleece blanket approximately 60x80” is ideal.

$59 regular public rate

$44 with code sent in email ;)

To request the code, send an email to: